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PinWoofer - Jersey Jack Pinball - Guns N' Roses Amplifier Settings

PinWoofer - Jersey Jack Pinball - Guns N' Roses Amplifier Settings

Posted by PinWoofer on Nov 19th 2020

For the CE please permanently disable the factory Sound Bar by disconnecting the power plug on the back of the unit, or you'll get equally poor results because the sound bar iteself uses the identical tweeter as the factory backbox.  If left in play, the CE factory Sound Bar will pollute the sound field even if you have upgraded the backbox tweeters.  This is quite regretful but necessary; the factory Sound Bar is incredibly difficult to remove and a tweeter upgrade is prohibitive.  The PinWoofer system will provide all of the intensity needed and allows for incredibly loud game play.

After making the below adjustments you will most definitely want to play a few balls with everything closed up, and to acquaint yourself with the new audio.  You may need to make some fine adjustments to the amplifier or menu settings, but we do not expect you'll want to deviate too far from what's recommended below.

Note that while simple, the PinWoofer amplifier controls are VERY sensitive so use your ear after considering each element of your sound field and make subtle twists to the amplifier knobs and listen carefully to your new outcome. The key is to listen and to make minor adjustments. When you have a combination that sounds good, our advice is to leave the amplifier controls alone and make only volume adjustments (at the PinWoofer amp or service menu buttons), and minor Mix adjustments in the system menu to suit your tastes.

Below are the initial / recommended adjustments for GNR, all trim packages (SE/LE/CE):

GT Amplifier - Coin door / service menu volume set to 25 (usable range 10-30, do not exceed 30).

KO Amplifier - Coin door / service menu volume set to 30 (usable range 10-max).

  • System Menu:

GT Amplifier:

Music Mix 60

Speech Mix 75

Fanfare Mix 60

FX Mix 75

KO Amplifier:

Music Mix 75

Speech Mix 75

Fanfare Mix 75

FX Mix 75

  • PinWoofer Amplifier Controls:
    • GT Amplifier - Gain to 1-2 o'clock position.
    • Bass Freq to 12 o'clock position.
    • Bass Vol 6 o'clock position / max.
    • Bbox Vol 11-12 o'clock position.
    • Treble 12 o'clock position.
    • Vol 3 o'clock position.

Bass requires more power compared to the backbox, so keep the Bass Vol high and the Bbox Vol mid-deflection so that strong bass develops in the cabinet and at the same time balances with backbox intensity.

After the initial / recommended adjustments above are complete:

  • If you find that the relative bass level is too high or too powerful, reduce the Bass Vol.
  • If you feel that the relative backbox level is off, decrease or increase the Bbox Vol slightly.
  • If you are playing very loud and hear any high bass flutter in the cabinet speaker (particularlty in the drum effects produced by the jet bumpers), reduce the Bass Freq slightly to address that effect.
  • Gain can be increased slightly if the audio mutes too quickly at the end of the game or during a ballad.

If you need assistance, please email

GT Amplifier Menu Settings: