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PinWoofer - Jersey Jack Pinball - Toy Store 4 Amplifier Settings

Posted by PinWoofer on Jan 19th 2023

Below are the initial / recommended adjustments for Toy Story 4, all trim packages (SE/LE/CE):

KOP Amplifier - Coin door / service menu volume set to 30 (usable range 10-max).

  • System Menu:

Music Mix 75

Speech Mix 75

Fanfare Mix 75

FX Mix 75

  • PinWoofer Amplifier Controls:
    • Bass Freq to 2 o'clock position.
    • Bass Vol 6 o'clock position / max.
    • Bbox Vol 10-12 o'clock position.
    • Treble 12 o'clock position.
    • Vol 2 o'clock position.

Bass requires more power compared to the backbox, so keep the Bass Vol high and the Bbox Vol mid-deflection so that strong bass develops in the cabinet and at the same time balances with backbox intensity.

After the initial / recommended adjustments above are complete:

  • If you find that the relative bass level is too high or too powerful, reduce the Bass Vol.
  • If you feel that the relative backbox level is off, decrease or increase the Bbox Vol slightly.
  • If you are playing very loud and hear any high bass flutter in the cabinet speaker (particularlty in the drum effects produced by the jet bumpers), reduce the Bass Freq slightly to address that effect.

If you need assistance, please email